Most people are familiar with the telltale screech of a failing brake pad. In fact, this sound actually has very little to do with the pad itself. The familiar screeching noise produced by brake pads that are about to shuffle off this mortal coil is actually an intentional design feature. Once pads have worn down sufficiently far, a small piece of metal rubs against the rotor and produces that noise to tell you that it's time to do some maintenance.
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There's actually no set time frame for replacing your car tires; you just have to watch out for the signs when they need to be taken care of or replaced entirely. When you have bad tires on your car, you risk a blowout or can experience issues with keeping control of your car while it's on the road, so you should pay attention to the signs for when it's time to get a new set of tires.
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Diesel vehicles operating on diesel fuel are a very different sort of engine from all other vehicles on the road. While people tout the gas efficiency of diesel, many consumers are reluctant to buy a diesel vehicle because it spits out a lot more air pollution. In addition to the concern regarding the burnt particles of fuel in diesel exhaust, most states charge an extra tax and fees on diesel registration.
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When you go in for an oil change, that is not the only service that you should get. An oil change, when you go to an auto service shop, is really a quick way to check out multiple systems on your car and take care of various necessary maintenance tasks.
1. Refill Your Washer Fluid
Your washer fluid is what you use to clean your windshield off when it gets dirty.
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Your car's transmission is made to last a long time as long as you maintain your car properly and have it serviced on schedule. However, transmission problems can arise whether your car is old or new. Here are some signs of transmission trouble, how the problem is identified, and repairs that may be necessary.
Signs Your Car May Have Transmission Trouble
When your car starts to have problems with the transmission, the car's diagnostic system should pick up on it early and cause the warning light to come on.
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