3 Tips For Planning A Cross Country R.V. Trip
When it comes to seeing the beauty of the United States, few things are better than a cross-country road trip in an R.V., such as those from Orangewood RV Center. Traveling by R.V. allows you to meander from coast to coast, seeing different attractions and exploring the culture and cuisine of different regions of the country. While having an R.V. gives you a lot of freedom when it comes to traveling, if you want to take a cross-country road trip you will need to spend some time planning. Use the following tips to plan an unforgettable R.V. trip across the U.S.:
Make a Detailed Budget
Nothing can derail a cross country R.V. trip like running out of money half way through the trip. One of the bigger expenses for this type of trip is gas for your R.V., so take the time to calculate how many miles you will be driving and then figure out how many gallons of gas you will need to purchase. Gas prices vary by region, so pad your gas budget accordingly to offset higher prices than you are used to. You will also need to factor in the expenses of staying at campgrounds or R.V. parks, meals eaten at restaurants, groceries, and the cost of visiting attractions or national parks. As with any R.V. trip, don't forget to include an emergency fund in your budget to cover the costs of any possible mechanical problems that may arise and need to be repaired while you are on the road.
Don't Stay on the Interstates
Interstates are great for getting from point A to point B, but they don't allow for a lot of exploring. When making your cross country route, try to stay on secondary roads as much as possible so you can discover small towns, lesser known attractions, and smaller campgrounds that you might never see. Traveling on secondary roads may not be as fast as driving on interstates, but most people want to see as much of America as possible on a cross country R.V. trip, and secondary roads will allow you to achieve that goal.
Give Yourself As Much Time as Possible
For a cross country road trip that allows you to enjoy as much of America as possible, it is essential to have ample time. For a leisurely cross country R.V. trip, you should plan on a few weeks at a minimum, and the more time you have available the better. Plan your route according to how much time you have available for the trip, and focus on spending time in the regions that interest you the most if you don't have several weeks to devote to your trip.